Yu Hongmei
Artistic Adviser, erhu
A graduate of the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), Yu Hongmei is one of the most brilliant erhu virtuosos as well as the most influential erhu educator in contemporary China. She is an educator, professor, graduate supervisor and director of the Chinese Music Department at the Central Conservatory of Music.
Yu Hongmei maintains an active solo career in erhu performing. She has toured Europe, America, Africa, and many regions in Asia, and has successfully held hundreds of recitals in the United States, France, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, and mainland China. Her album String Glamour won the Indie Award for Best Traditional World Music award by Indie Music in the United States. She was the first Chinese recipient honored for this award in its 30-year history.
Yu Hongmei has premiered many classic erhu works and core repertoires, and has produced exemplary works embodying different times in Chinese history: Dreams of Jinghua, Eight Banners, Tianxiang, and West Rhapsody. She has appeared in many world-class concert halls: Musikverein (Golden Hall in Vienna), Carnegie Hall in New York, Avery Fisher Hall of Lincoln Center, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, and Lucerne Concert Hall at KKL Luzern. She has participated in many major performance events, such as American Culture in China, New Culture in Australia with Chinese Culture, Spring Prague in the Czech Republic, Chinese Arts Festival, Beijing International Music Festival, Shanghai International Arts Festival, German Music Festival, and the Macao Arts Festival.
As an educator, Yu Hongmei recorded Erhu by Maestros, and edited and published Collections of Erhu Works presented by China Central Television, the most predominant state television broadcaster. Her publications, such as Dynamics in Erhu Performance and How to Play a Flower (an erhu piece by Song Fei), are well recognized and widely cited in Chinese music journals. Yu Hongmei has been invited to lecture at various institutions, including the California Institute of the Arts and the City University of Hong Kong.
The New York Concert Journal complimented Yu Hongmei on her exquisite touching sounds as she “represents the contemporary spirit of Chinese musical culture.” Joining the US-China Music Institute of Bard Conservatory of Music, Yu Hongmei continues committing herself to preserving cultural heritage, and promoting and developing Chinese music in America.
蔡大师开始了他在辛辛那提交响乐团的专业指挥生涯,并在那里担任助理指挥职位,并与音乐总监耶稣·洛佩兹·科沃斯,指挥基思·洛克哈特和辛辛那提流行乐队指挥家艾瑞克·库尔策尔密切合作。他曾与北美和亚洲的众多乐团合作过。蔡大师与他的家乡保持着紧密的联系,并且领导了大部分中国顶级乐团。他自2012年起担任中国深圳交响乐团的首席客座指挥。2015年,他率领深圳交响乐团首次赴美国西海岸巡回演出,在帕洛阿尔托,圣何塞,西雅图,洛杉矶和圣地迭戈。这场音乐会包括与Bright San歌剧院备受期待的新歌剧“红楼梦”的首映式在旧金山歌剧院合作。
蔡大师三次获得ASCAP当代音乐大冒险编程奖。他曾为Ceaur,Innova和Vienna Modern Masters唱片公司录制过唱片。他与许多中国作曲家有着密切的关系,并曾先后由谭盾,周龙,陈毅,盛生,叶小刚,王锡麟等先后创作。近年来,一些专业交响乐团联系他创作了中国及其他亚洲作曲家的特别节目,其中包括即将于2016年与西雅图交响乐团合作举办的“亚洲庆典”音乐会。
蔡大师的歌剧表演受到了很多好评。 1992年,他在纽约的林肯中心莫扎特二百周年音乐会上首次亮相,当时他在莫扎特的新作Zaide的全球首映中作为他的导师格哈德·塞缪尔的最后一分钟替身出现。纽约时报将这次表演描述为“迄今在节日期间提供的更加引人入胜的戏剧体验之一”。Maestro Cai是乌兰巴托蒙古国歌剧和芭蕾舞剧院首席客座指挥。自2011年以来,他曾多次到蒙古巡回演出歌剧和芭蕾舞表演,并于2013年率领该剧团首次前往中国。
蔡大师于2004年加入斯坦福大学,担任管弦乐研究主管,并在斯坦福交响乐团任职11年。他带领斯坦福交响乐团参加了三次国际巡回演出 - 2005年到澳大利亚和新西兰;作为北京奥运文化节的一部分,2008年中国; 2013年,蔡大师发起了“贝多芬计划”,斯坦福交响乐团为此演奏了所有9首贝多芬交响曲以及作曲家钢琴协奏曲中的全部五首 - Van Cliburn金牌获奖钢琴家和斯坦福大学校友Jon Nakamatsu,在一个季节。蔡大师也是斯坦福泛亚音乐节的创始人。在过去11年的历史中,通过每年一系列的音乐会和学术活动促进对当代亚洲音乐的理解和欣赏,音乐节已成为亚洲音乐表演最重要的平台之一。我们
出生于北京的蔡先生在中国接受了早期的音乐培训,在那里他学会了演奏小提琴和钢琴。他来到美国,在新英格兰音乐学院和辛辛那提大学音乐学院读研究生。 1989年,他被选为与Tanglewood音乐中心的着名指挥家Leonard Bernstein一起学习,并在1990年和1992年的Aspen音乐节上获得了指挥奖学金。