Admitted students 给被录取的学员
Stone Row, Bard College
Congratulations! You have been accepted to our Summer Academy and to be a part of the first Bard Youth Chinese Orchestra. This will be a fun and exciting experience. On this page you will find links to the forms we need you and your parents to sign, plus information about travel arrangements, what to bring, and who to contact if you have questions. We look forward to seeing you in August!
Here are the steps you need to take to get ready
- Full tuition payment is due within 7 working days of your acceptance. We cannot guarantee your place in the Academy without payment. 为了确保你的位置,请与收到录取的7个工作日内把全款学费电汇款至巴德音乐学院
- Enrollment Forms: please submit these completed forms with your tuition payment. They are available to download all together on the link above. 请在汇款的同时填写以下表格并提交
- Student Registration Information Form 学员信息登记表
- Parents waiver and release (students under 18 years old) 父母/监护人免责协议(适用于18岁以下学员)
- Student waiver (18 and over only) 学员免责协议(适用于18岁以上)
- Student Health Information Form 学生健康信息表
- Travel arrangements 旅行计划:
- Arrival day is Thursday, August 9th. Departure is Monday, August 27th, 2018
- 年8月9日星期四到达巴德音乐学院2018年8月27日星期一离开美国纽约
- IF YOU ARE TRAVELING FROM CHINA: OTT/Namei Travel Agency is working with us to arrange for Visas and group travel between China and Bard College. Please contact them directly for more information:
General Information: 86 4000-288-666 or 86 025-66681840 (in China)
Visa Information: 86 010 56170909 (in China, ask for Lisa) - 如果你从中国出发,请联系团队纳美旅游负责人,办理签证和机票事务 电话400-0288666 或025-6681840, 签证事务 010-56170909 Lisa 小姐
- IF YOU ARE TRAVELING FROM WITHIN THE UNITED STATES: Please see the Getting to Bard webpage for more information. Feel free to contact us with questions.
- 如果你从从美国国内出发,请参照如何到达巴德学院页面或联系我们。
- IF YOU ARE TRAVELING FROM CHINA: OTT/Namei Travel Agency is working with us to arrange for Visas and group travel between China and Bard College. Please contact them directly for more information:
- We require every student to have medical insurance. For students traveling from outside the United States we recommend International Student Insurance. Sign up at
- 我们要求所有学员培训期间有医疗保险, 我们建议国际学生从 购买医疗保险, 并提供保险证明。
What if my parents want to come with me? 父母陪同选项
- We are offering a small number of packages for parents who would like to stay in a nearby hotel and have access to Summer Academy classes, events and activities, along with on-campus meals. Contact us for more information.
我们提供少部分父母陪同名额科同游并参与与乐团排练观看演出等事宜。请与我们联系咨询 [email protected]